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Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Glass case

As I stay locked in my glass case
And watch the world go by,

I wonder…

Do you ever see
The smile on my face,
The twinkle in my eyes?
If you just paused to look for a second
You may have caught a glimpse..

Would you care to join me sometimes
Inside my case?
Maybe then, you would hear my screams for help
And feel my pain..

You walk past me as though
I do not exist..
Even if you do stop
You watch me as you would
A clownfish in an aquarium!!

Sometimes I break free of this case
And try to reach out to you
With a sound, an echo
With an awkward hug or a shove
But you push me away
Or step back in fear!!

You are not the one locked up
In a glass case
Yet you are too afraid
To break it open for me
And I just cannot do it
On my own - inside out.

I have no choice but to wait
Inside my glass case
I have no choice but to hope
That one day you will choose
To look at me and smile J

My son , Nishant  loves interacting with everything around him and that includes people .
He is also very aware and sensitive – the first one to hug or kiss me if he even remotely senses I am upset and the first one to jump in joy when I am happy .

It breaks my heart when my beautiful non verbal , autistic  son tries in his own ways to reach out to other children and adults and they just walk past him or push him away .As he is growing up I see him sometimes giving up on the rest of the world .

I am thankful for our  family ,some close friends , mother  nature and animals who always respond to him .

But there are millions out there like him – who are on the fringes of society like him – disabled , homeless , poor , illiterate and this poem is dedicated to all of them in the hope that it will touch one more person to open their hearts to see in these children/people another human being just like them .


  1. It's so touching.. very well written mam!

  2. So touching deeply mam. Thanks for writing and sharing this wonderful poem๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™
